How To Develop Your Psychic Powers

Developing your psychic powers doesn’t have to be hard. You also don’t have to be a ‘born psychic’ to unlock the abilities your ancestors naturally tapped into.

This is because it takes more than simple knowledge to develop gut-feelings. Think about a time in your life that you so clearly felt something was going to turn out a certain way.

You had no way of knowing for sure how it was gonna happen, and against all odds, it just did.

That’s a psychic power called foresight, and with practice, you can get constant clear signals that will guide you through any unexpected event in your life- if you listen to them!

Before we get into all the details, tips, and tricks on increasing your psychic abilities, I want to share a short personal story about intuition, and how it can literally save your life.

On August this year, my partner and I were planning a trip to our hometown to visit family and for an appointment. Once we’re packing our stuff into the car, my vision snaps to the headrest of the passenger seat. I have a bad habit of taking off the headrest, because I find it pretty uncomfortable for long trips. But that day, there was something inside me screaming at me to put the headrest back on “in case of an accident”.

I don’t really think like that in my daily life. But I listened to the feeling and put the headrest on. We finished packing the car, and once we took off, I got a notification that the appointment in our hometown had been canceled. An annoyance, but it could be set up again, right?

Once we were well into the road trip, we stopped at a gas station. We got back in the car, went on our way again, and guess what! We got lost, and took a wrong turn along a 2 hour long detour in the middle of nowhere, that took us all the way back to our house. At one point in the detour, a red-eyed rabbit skirted across our path, and my girlfriend asked me what I thought that meant. I answered, “Well, rabbits are a sign of good fortune right?”

Not even a second after I said that, we swerved past a massive, bloody mound of roadkill in our way. We gave each other a “what the hell was that” look, and got home around 4 am.

All the signs were pointing to us just staying home and postponing the trip, and we didn’t even have an appointment to go to anymore. But because we’re human and humans are stubborn, we didn’t. We tried again the next night.

That night, as we were driving to our hometown for a second time, I got a call from my mom. She called me to tell me to be careful about car accidents, because she’d seen a post about one on Facebook and felt the urge to tell me to stay safe.

What do you think happened after that? We got to our hometown. The next night, we went out to a few shops. On the way back to our parents’ house, the unthinkable happened. We got into a massive, smoking car wreck that ended in my partner’s car getting totaled. We were bruised but thankfully safe.

Still, this accident could have been prevented by listening to all the messages we got, and there were so many. I want to ask anyone reading this to listen to the clear signals you get in your own life, because you don’t know when a simple feeling could save you a lot of pain.

So let’s get to it! In this post, I want to highlight the best methods for expanding your psychic abilities.

  1. When your intuition is telling you something, actually listen to it.

I know this sounds like a no brainer, but it’s true. The more you listen to yourself when you get a clear signal, the better you get at discerning the ones that aren’t so clear!

Don’t dismiss the external signs either!

We live in a crazy and mysterious world that will send you messages in more ways than one. Your spiritual and angelic guides will often communicate with you in the form of symbols, dreams, animals, and numbers.

2. Listen to your body.

This ties into the psychological concept of somatics. Somatics is essentially a form of therapy that connects the mind and body by asking questions about sensations in your body, and how they tie into your mental state. This is because your body will undoubtedly give you clearest signals you can ask for. Your body can’t lie to itself, so give yourself permission to trust it even more than you trust your mind.

Ask yourself these questions: How do I feel in my chest when I think about this person or situation? How do I feel in my stomach? What is this sensation actually telling me?

3. Use tools, like plant medicine.

I want to make one thing clear.

All you need to expand your psychic abilities, is you.

You don’t need anything outside of yourself to tap into your intuition, and you can’t rely solely on tools like herbal medicine.

But they do help. A lot.

Herbs have been reliably used to tap into other planes of existence, and receive and intercept messages from the divine for millenia. The use of plants and fungi for spiritual and psychic purposes has been widely documented since the beginning of human civilization, so much that it’s been ingrained into our psyche.

There are even some branches of archaeology that theorize that the human brain’s rapid creative expansion over 40,000 years ago point to humanity’s increasing use of psilocybin mushrooms around the same time. This theory is called the “stoned ape hypothesis”, if you want to read more about it.

Today, there are many indigenous medicines that have been well known to expand psychic awareness and even increase the potency of lucid dreams.

Mugwort, for one, is a powerful herb and ritual tool that has been used since the iron age for its magickal powers. When smoked, or drank in a tea, it enhances your clairvoyance and opens you to receive messages from the divine. Most people use mugwort to aid them in lucid dreaming and even astral traveling.

Blue lotus flowers are another well-known psychic herb. The effects of smoking blue lotus or drinking it in a tea are mildly psychedelic and can produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and deep attunement with your soul. The blue lotus flowers, known to ancient Egyptians as the sacred flowers of the sun god Ra, are also used to enhance psychic and lucid dreams.

Lavender is a popular herb used since ancient times for its cleansing, purifying, and vision-enhancing properties. It has been mentioned as a holy herb as far back as the Song of Solomon in the bible. Lavender is also known as an adaptogen, and connected to the third eye chakra for its aid in the intuitive processes.

It’s been reported that the inhalation of lavender “increases alpha power of EEG”, or, in other words, reduces anxiety and improves mood. It’s also known to increase theta and alpha wave activities.

Alpha waves are associated with creativity, relaxation, and achieving a meditative “flow state”, and theta waves are associated with intuition and dreamlike states of mind. You can learn more about lavender and its uses here.

Our hand-crafted Psychic Power tea and smoking blend contains mugwort, blue lotus flowers, and lavender, and is curated for the purpose of tapping into your intuition and expanding your psychic awareness.

Curiously, I got the inspiration to write my first ever blog post (this one) after drinking a mug of our delicious Psychic Power tea. It literally tastes like perfume and makes me feel so creatively inspired, I could write a whole book on intuition right now.

My partner had a mug of it too and she finally submitted her book proposal today, after almost a year of talking about it!

Our handcrafted Psychic Power tea, containing mugwort, lavender, passionflower, rose petals, and blue lotus.

So, how do you tell if you have psychic powers?

First, have faith in your power and your abilities. Your conviction is your most powerful tool in any magickal workings. For example, the more emotion and conviction you put into spellwork, the more powerful the outcomes will be.

But you’re not coming here for that answer, are you? Let’s say you want to put your psychic abilities to the test- what do you do?

There’s a few exercises for that. You can get a friend and practice with each other using Zener cards. Zener cards contain bold and simple images, and you can use them to telepathically read which image your friend is thinking of. It’s really fun, and it’s proven that you learn more when you’re having fun.

The second exercise, is to keep track of your dreams. Keeping a dream journal as well as a regular journal allows you to look back and see what events were predicted by your dreams, by cross-referencing experiences with signs and symbols that appeared in them.

With enough self awareness, you can expand your psychic abilities and even realize just how much you’re being guided, in waking consciousness and even in your dreams.


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